“Human beings are designed with self-preservation in mind. The body has many ways in which it supports continued life.”

— Yvonne R. Farrell, Psycho-Emotional Pain and the Eight Extraordinary Vessels


  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical therapeutic interventions and a foundational aspect of the Chinese Medicine system. The insertion of hair-thin needles to stimulate acupuncture points along the body’s energetic channels can provide relief for physical issues such as chronic pain, nausea, headaches, insomnia, and clogged sinuses. It can also be used to aid in deeper and more transformational work around trauma, anxiety, and depression. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture for over 100 conditions, and the National Institute of Health (NIH) suggests acupuncture for many pain conditions as it funds more in-depth research into the effectiveness of acupuncture for other common conditions.

    This service includes an evaluation, diagnosis, and acupuncture treatment with or without moxibustion and may include some bodywork techniques such as gua sha, cupping, and tuina. A Chinese Herbal Medicine diagnosis and prescription can be provided at the patient’s request.*

    90-Minute Intake | $135.00
    60-Minute Follow-Up | $90.00

    Packages Available (Purchase At Check-Out or Through Online Store)
    4 treatment-package ($75.00 per Follow-Up) | $300.00
    8 treatment-package ($70.00 per Follow-Up) | $560.00
    12 treatment-package ($65.00 per Follow-Up) | $780.00

  • Acupuncture-Related Bodywork

    Chinese Medicine bodywork techniques have been used to treat a variety of internal and external conditions. Cupping is commonly used for respiratory issues and digestive disorders; externally it helps move blood, fluid, and qi stagnation that occurs with acute & chronic injuries. Gua sha or skin scraping is also an effective therapy for injuries and respiratory conditions like the common cold; it is useful for moving stagnated fluids like swelling. Tuina uses a pushing & grasping style of soft tissue massage and joint manipulation to stimulate and improve the flow of qi along the body’s energetic channels. Additionally, these techniques can be used as stand-alone therapies to target specific areas of chronic pain, tension, and stress.

    This service is an a la carte combination of the following techniques: gua sha, cupping (fire or silicone style), and/or tuina.

    30-Minute Session (Current Patients Only) | $50.00

  • Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Chinese Herbs are an elegant way to access the deeper-level healing aspects of Chinese Medicine. The formulas are based on classical Chinese medicinal theory and have been utilized, cultivated, and augmented over thousands of years. Most formulas prescribed today are based on formulas written in two Chinese medical classics by Zhang Zhong-Jing (200 CE), the Shan Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lue. Formulas are customized to address many conditions from emotional & hormonal imbalances to chronic pain issues related to autoimmune diseases & blood stasis.

    75-Minute New Patient Intake | $125.00*
    30-Minute Follow-Up (Online Available) | $50.00 *

    * The cost of the herbal formula is not included. The price can range from $45-100 depending on formula ingredients and preparation (raw, granules, tincture, syrup, or tablets).

  • Zero Balancing

    Zero Balancing is a mind-body therapy developed in the 1970s by Dr. Fritz Smith, an osteopathic physician/surgeon and licensed acupuncturist. It utilizes a non-invasive touch performed over the clothes to balance the body energetically. By connecting with the bones, joints, and soft tissue using gentle finger pressure and subtle traction, the practitioner creates fulcrums aka balancing points for the body to relax, release, and reorganize around. It can be used as a stand-alone or complementary therapy with Acupuncture to help with chronic tension, pain, stress, and emotional distress.

    45-Minute Session (Current Patients Only) | $100.00